Thursday, May 20, 2010

Diet Food List

What foods cause bloating?  Is there a diet food list?

Surprise!! Carbohydrate rich foods cause bloating.  Some milk and dairy products cause bloating try to use more yogurt and cheese and reduce other milk and dairy products or products containing milk and dairy.

Certain vegetables cause bloating beans, potatoes, legumes or most root vegetables.  Reduce your intake of root vegetables and substitute more uncooked broccoli, cauliflower, kale or cabbage or, commonly referred to as, cruciferous vegetables.  If possible, try to find organically grown vegetables.  This type vegetable is produced without pesticides, herbicides and petrochemicals, which is another “ball of wax”.

One food type that is often thought to be a “healthy” product is wheat.  Wheat includes most breads, cereals, bagels, muffins, pasta and crackers.  First off a large percentage (a percentage that grows everyday) of the population has a degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and other grains.    A full-blown intolerance to gluten is celiac disease.  What most people do not understand is the human population was not meant to eat large quantities of wheat or grains.  Even processed flour has some gluten.  If the label list flour, more than likely it has gluten.  Gluten causes bloating and a larger list of complaints consists of (but not always caused by gluten) fatigue, bone or joint pain, arthritis, depression or anxiety.  By reducing or eliminating certain grains from your diet it will reduce bloating and more than likely aid in your weight loss program.

Actually if we would follow the “cavemen” diet, we all would be a lot healthier.  Their diets consisted of meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Drinks lots of water.  Stay away from carbonated beverages they contain lots of salt and of course carbonation is a gas within itself!

Be physically active thus increasing the blood flow to help the digestion system to work more rapid and meticulously.  Physical activity also helps distress.  Stress is another cause for bloating.

Try these suggestions and to find more click here!

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